Labels:clock | earth | fence | grandstand | hakham | monitor | person | plant | road | sky | stairs | window OCR: Quarterdeck Mosaic ILVN Audio and Video Samples File Edit Yiew Navigate Hotlist Window Tools Help Home Back Forward Go1 Archives Reload Stop Hotlists S ave Trash URL http://www URL Helper.. The network 1S completely digital Each month we release over 25 new videos Here are number of our video clips for downloading Feel free 0 view as many as you wish Video clips are 60 Seconds long AVI f format We are trying newer format for the AVI files which provide better audio at the expense of slightly larger files They are still 160100 frames per second but we have increased the audio quality from 11 KHz 1.8 bit mono to22 KHz716 bit mono Let us know if you want any other formats Warning: these files are not small! If You are connected via 14.4K modem, each file can take about an h ...